Types Of Weight Loss Surgery

Types Of Weight Loss Surgery
Types Of Weight Loss Surgery
Types Of Weight Loss Surgery

Guide to types of weight-loss surgery

 Weight loss surgery (bariatric) help You lose weight and lower the risk of medical problems associated with obesity. Bariatric surgery contributes to lower weight loss in two main steps:

Restrictions. Surgery is used to physically block the amount of food the stomach is capable of holding, which cover the number of calories You are able to eat.
Malabsorption. Surgery is used to shorten or cut off the members coming from the small intestine, which reduce the amount of calories and nutrients the body absorbs.

Four types of weight loss surgery that are prevalent are:

Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y
Laparoscopic tools gastric banding
Sleeve gastrectomy
Duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion

Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y

Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y

In Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the surgeon creates a small pouch in the upper abdomen. Sac is one of the members of the stomach receive the food. This is too cover the amount that You are able to comfortably eat and drink on one time.

The small intestine is then cut away under the belly of the main and access to the new pouch. Food flows from the pouch into this member come from the gut. The main part comes from the stomach, however, consistently caused a digestive fluid. The section derived from the intestine remains attached to the abdomen of the main reattached further down. It is too possible digestive fluid flows into the small intestine. Because of the current food bypasses a portion derived from the small intestine, fewer calories and nutrients are absorbed.
Laparoscopic tools gastric banding

Laparoscopic tools gastric banding

In Laparoscopic surgery tools gastric banding procedure, a band which has a content of a rubber balloon in place in the members of the above comes from the stomach and is always in place. This creates a stomach pouch above the band with the access is too narrow to all the stomach.

Port then in place under the skin of the abdomen. The tube that connects the port to the band. By injecting or removing fluid through the port, the balloon is able to rise or deflate to adjust the size comes from the band. Gastric banding block the amount of food that is capable of holding Your stomach, so You start full faster, but it does not reduce the absorption of calories and nutrition.
Sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy

In sleeve gastrectomy, a member of the stomach is separated and removed coming from the body. The remaining part comes from the stomach is formed into the structure of the tubelike. Small stomach is not able to hold food. This also resulted in less derived from the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin, which is able to reduce Your desire to eat. However, sleeve gastrectomy does not alter the absorption of calories and nutrients in the intestine.

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